NS is economic, convenient, pertinence and repetitive in computer network teaching and experiment. 认为NS应用于计算机网络课程进行辅助教学和辅助实验具有经济性、方便性、针对性和可重复性等优点。
In order to avoid repetitive seismic exploration and improve data processing result, the author compiled the program which uses first break to check and correct fied observation system on IBM 3081 computer. 为了避免重复施工,改善处理效果,笔者在IBM3081系统上编制了利用初至波对野外观测系统进行检验和校正的程序。
Completing large number of repetitive work by computer through taking the formulas, diagrams and forms required in terms of programs to make be by computer. 对减速器设计中所需要的计算公式、线图、表格等,进行了程序化处理,设计时由计算机按照设计的需要自动检索,辅助设计完成减速器设计中大量繁琐和重复性的工作;
Through use of this module, it is available to avoid repetitive construction of computer network and telecom network and improve circuitry cooperation work efficiency. Meanwhile it is also a good substitute of traditional PBX and may lead to great reduction of device maintenance cost. 通过该模块的使用可以避免计算机网络和电话网络的重复建设,提高线路的协同工作效率,同时用此模块取代传统的PBX,可大大降低设备运行维护成本。
Discrete the designed robust repetitive controller and then fulfill it on the real system by writing program on the computer. Prove the effectiveness of robust repetitive controller. 将所设计的鲁棒重复控制器进行离散化,并在计算机上编程实现了该控制算法,验证了鲁棒重复控制的控制效果。
With the rapid development and popularization of computer science and network technology, information systems has been deep into all sectors of society and made people away from repetitive labor, as many manual tasks are gradually being replaced by computer intelligent software system. 随着计算机科学和网络技术的迅速发展和普及,信息系统已深入到社会各行各业之中,许多人工作业正逐步被计算机智能软件系统替换,使人们从重复的劳动中解脱出来。